Skin Contact:a Solo Show by Michelle Jane Lee at Terminal 27, Los Angeles, 12. 10. 2021- 01. 10. 2022
編輯 Editor| Joanne Hsieh
文 Text| Michelle Jane Lee
圖 Image Courtesy|Michelle Jane Lee
韓裔美籍藝術家李智賢(Michelle Jane Lee)在洛杉磯比佛利大道上的複合式空間 Terminal 27 展出個展「肌膚之親 Skin Contact」。展期為 12. 10. 2021 - 01. 10. 2022。
最新的創作系列「肌膚之親 Skin Contact」在2020年洛杉磯封城期間誕生。
在長達半年以上隔離的自我獨處期間,藝術家找到自己的方式來懷想— 與他人「碰觸」是一個再自然不過的事情的時光。而今日,每一個與他人接觸的時刻都是如此珍貴。
此系列創作中的質地,呈現與人接觸時肢體與肌膚的柔軟度。每件作品都是以朋友所提供的布料包覆— 可能是被單或衣物,藝術家以手揉、推、捏,塑造出每一個皺摺與紋路。
此系列主題是最單純的希望— 回歸肉身。在疫情的衝擊下,我們仍在這裡,仍活著。
Terminal 27 : Skin Contact, a Solo Show by Michelle Jane Lee
“Skin Contact" was conceived in the middle of the pandemic. Months into the isolation and hallucinations of memories past of a time when touch wasn't forbidden, I sought out a way to touch and memorialize each of those moments with a newfound understanding of its magnitude and importance. The heavily textured paintings are an attempt to encapsulate this and the movement of the human body. Each piece is enveloped in a used bed sheet or an old worn t-shirt, then with bare hands, kneaded, tugged, and pulled to create undulating, fleshy mounds and crevices. Each piece of fabric still clinging onto memories of skin and the person and people that lived within it forever emblazoned into each painting.
The aim of this body of work is simple - to return to human. Acknowledging that we, are still here in the flesh.
看更多精彩藝術家專訪,訂閱Youtube 頻道:瞧瞧藝術 ChiaoxArt
追蹤更多輕鬆的藝術家資訊,追蹤 IG: @ChiaoxArt
看更多 Michelle Jane Lee 的精彩創作,追蹤 IG:@michelle.jane.lee