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Writer's pictureJoanne Hsieh (MissyChiao)

影音專訪|台灣神明認證「仙女藝術家」倪瑞宏 Taiwanese Artist Ni Jui-Hung "Taiwan Fairy"

瞧瞧藝術 ChiaoxArt |藝術家專訪系列 Artist Interview Series《神明認證仙女藝術家-倪瑞宏 Taiwanese "Fairy" Ni Jui-Hung》

台灣藝術家倪瑞宏,創作橫跨繪畫、裝置及行為藝術,以藝術為名,花上少女華鑽研「仙女」這個符號在華人社會中代表的意義,「既然要當仙女就要認真當。」從某回展覽用光明導師身份幫觀眾解惑開始,慢慢步上「成仙」之路。 瞧瞧藝術帶大家拜訪奇女子倪瑞宏,除了欣賞仙女家中各種靈感來源(包含古董小物、佛具、色情書刊、1980年代就掛在牆上的月曆),也談台灣民間信仰、華人世界中的女人社會地位以及華人美學如何影響她的創作。

“What does ‘Fairy’ truly symbolize for us?” Artist Ni Jui-Hung has studied (through artistic lenses) the concept of “Xian Nu/仙女/fairy” to dissect the unrealistic expectations of the “model woman” in the larger mandarin speaking society. Come away with us to Ni's studio where she shows us collections of art, sketchbooks, and objects that inspire her work and talks aboutTaiwanese folk religion beliefs and how they inspire her as an artist.


Special Thanks to Ni Jui-Hung (Heidi Ni).

製作|Joanne Hsieh 攝影|Zoey Chen, Joanne Hsieh 剪接|Joanne Hsieh 翻譯|Joanne Hsieh 影像提供|倪瑞宏 Produced by Joanne Hsieh Directed and Shot by Zoey Chen, Joanne Hsieh Edited by Joanne Hsieh Translation by Joanne Hsieh Image and footage courtesy|Ni Jui Hung ChiaoxArt All Rights Reserved 2022.

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