製作|Joanne Hsieh 導演、攝影、剪接|Kerry Yang 翻譯|Joanne Hsieh.
Produced by Joanne Hsieh. Directed, Shot and Edited by Kerry Yang. Translated by Joanne Hsieh. ChiaoxArt 2020 All Rights Reserved.
《瞧瞧藝術 ChiaoxArt 》藝術家專訪系列 Artist Interview Series 藝術家:Model turned Photographer Bryce Anderson
新銳跨性別模特兒,同時是藝術家的 Bryce Anderson,光鮮亮麗的模特兒身份下也有著遭受霸凌的童年記憶。他靠演繹不同身分的self-portraits和畫畫,走出被霸凌的陰霾,正式成為模特兒之後更大方讓社會大眾瞭解何謂跨性別,以及模特兒也有不安、也會被歧視,希望傳達給社會大眾更正面的訊息。只有學會互相尊重和理解,世界才會進步。
"Selfies are the ultimate self-bonding experience but in some way creates an inner enemy where you feel the need to compensate for your flaws. It got to the point where I stopped taking them and it was such a refreshing feeling; self-portrait exercises enabled me to express myself so much better than a cell phone picture. I started taking self-portraits as a way to learn more about myself."-- Bryce Anderson.
想看更深入的 Bryce Anderson 藝術家介紹請至:《瞧瞧藝術》鏡頭前後:模特兒/攝影師 Bryce Anderson 的新性別力