Studio Tour with L from a.s.t.r.a.l.o.r.a.c.l.e.s
製作|Joanne Hsieh 導演、攝影、剪接|Kerry Yang 翻譯|Joanne Hsieh.
Produced by Joanne Hsieh. Directed, Shot and Edited by Kerry Yang. Translated by Joanne Hsieh. ChiaoxArt All Rights Reserved.
《瞧瞧藝術 ChiaoxArt 》藝術家專訪系列 Artist Interview Series 藝術家:L from a.s.t.r.a.l.o.r.a.c.l.e.s
將創作無中生有的藝術家,就如同煉金術士,把自己內心所想和感知提煉出來與世界分享。 瞧瞧藝術帶您參觀洛杉磯藝術家 L 的工作室。巫師、藝術家、設計師,L的多重身分,用聲、香、味、觸、法的現代魔法\藝術,為參與者打造出通往不同維度的魔幻寫實空間。
Art is magic, is magic art? Follow ChiaoxArt to L.A. based artist/designer L's studio, see his mesmerizing installations "inter-dimensional portals", and understand the ideologies behind his spiritual community a.s.t.r.a.l.o.r.a.c.l.e.s. Special Thanks to a.s.t.r.a.l.o.r.a.c.l.e.s.
想看更深入的 L @a.s.t.r.a.l.o.r.a.c.l.e.s 藝術家介紹請至:《瞧瞧藝術》藝術之咒:L@a.s.t.r.a.l.o.r.a.c.l.e.s