瞧瞧藝術 ChiaoxArt |藝術家專訪系列 Artist Interview Series《Indigo Hsu 徐仲葳》
Follow ChiaoxArt to Ceramic Art Center in beautiful Hualien, Taiwan, where artist/ceramicist Indigo Hsu showed us her amazing, whimsical sculptures; and shared her knowledge in ceramic art and making process with us.
特別感謝 Indigo Hsu 及新天堂樂園花蓮陶藝中心
Special Thanks to Indigo Hsu and Hualien Ceramic Art Center.
製作|Joanne Hsieh 攝影|Zoey Chen, Joanne Hsieh 剪接|Joanne Hsieh 翻譯|Joanne Hsieh 特別助理|Joyce Lee Produced by Joanne Hsieh Directed and Shot by Zoey Chen, Joanne Hsieh Edited by Joanne Hsieh Translation by Joanne Hsieh Assistant|Joyce Lee ChiaoxArt All Rights Reserved 2020.