文 Text | 蕭瑾 Ching Hsiao
編輯 Editor | 謝蕎安 Joanne Hsieh
翻譯 Translated by Joanne Hsieh

首都藝術中心『Sunny Land』
Sun Lin 林順雄 個展
展期:2019.12.05 (Thu) 至2020.01.18 (Sat)
開幕:2019.12.13 (Fri) 15:00
Sun Lin 林順雄,遨遊於畫壇四十餘年,擅長以洗煉的繪畫形式,傳達大自然中萬物皆有情的意境。四十年不間斷的創作生涯,Sun Lin 無時不刻在追求變化。
2020 年於台北首都藝術中心的個展『Sunny Land』,是 Sun Lin 分享創作樂趣的又一展現。繽紛奇幻的色彩,取用不同於以往慣用的媒材,觀者可輕易察覺藝術家展現出與過往不同的創作風貌。

樂天知命,對大自然觀察深刻入微,Sun Lin 將水性媒材收放自如,刻畫、潑灑,自然萬物的靈性、動物最療癒的表情、花卉最嬌媚的姿態在 Sun Lin 筆下躍然於紙。
從早期著墨於細緻的眼前所見所想,至今追求的是分享創作的樂趣。藝術家將過往對動物、花卉的既定色彩和表現形式拋諸腦後, 藉由全新媒材的嘗試、強烈吸睛的色調,在畫布上賦予萬物嶄新的生命。構圖上,不同於以往的寫實寫景,這批全新創作,著墨於萬物的“神韻”,將畫面放大深入,更直覺敏銳地捕捉了大自然中好朋友們逗趣的表情。

這些轉變,源自於Sun Lin追求繪畫的箇中樂趣,並享受轉變的過程。如同引言中,蘇軾於前赤壁賦中提及:天地萬物,每一瞬間都在改變;但若從『不變』的觀點看,一貫不變的是Sun Lin 那份迫不及待想與你分享天地萬物有情的心意。
"Sunny Land"
Sun Lin 林順雄(B. 1948), with a career spanning over four decades, brings us his latest body of work "Sunny Land", a solo exhibition presented by Capital Art in Taipei, Taiwan. During his 40 years of ongoing artistic endeavor, Lin constantly strives to challenge his approach to painting. In "Sunny Land", there is a distinct shift in how the subject matters are treated, compared to his earlier work. The viewer is presented with exuberant energy achieved by the vibrant and lively use of color and material.
Lin observes nature closely and keenly. His relaxed yet delicate brush marks, combined with bold color choices, capture the essence of mother nature. With the portrait style and unusual close-up compositions of animals, Lin brings the animal and floral companions ever closer to us,
These changes in the treatment of his subject matters, are a result of Lin's change in attitude towards art making. Instead of depicting nature with a realistic and traditional approach, Lin has adapted a new way to capture nature with a mind's eye that is free and without hesitation. What remains the same, is Lin's appreciation of mother nature, and his eagerness to share its beauty with us.
林順雄 (b. 1948),現代華人畫家,出生於台灣屏東東港的農村,成長於傳統的閩南農村家庭。田間仟陌,河畔旁的草木青石,農舍中與大自然間的動植物成為陪伴林順雄成長的朋友,種下了他熱愛生命、擁抱自然的創作取向。林順雄創作至今,不斷的思考當代藝術大鳴大放的潮流下,如何呈現華人內斂寧靜的審美哲學。他的創作思維,在當代藝術敢做敢言,強調語出驚人與重視強烈視覺感官刺激的創作風潮中,也應該要有人重新詮釋天人合一,寧靜致遠的華人美學思想。林順雄一直以畫畫的人的身分,在這當代藝術思想百家爭鳴的時代中,靜默的前行,與其說他是一名畫家,他更樂意做一為新時代華人美學思想傳承而奮鬥的耕耘者,重新定義並詮釋屬於當代華人的美學觀點。

展場| 首都藝術中心
展期 | 2019.12.5 (Thu)~2020.1.18(Sat)
開幕茶會 | 2019.12.13 (Fri) 15:00
地址 | 台北市仁愛路四段343號2樓
聯絡電話 | 02-2775-5268
Email | info@capitalart.com.tw
首都藝術中心:林順雄個展「Sunny Land」