Joanne Hsieh (MissyChiao)

Sep 1, 20202 min

影音專訪 |直擊私廚畫家 Michelle Jane Lee的畫室與廚房 Interview with Artist / Chef Michelle Jane Lee

Updated: May 14, 2022

瞧瞧藝術 ChiaoxArt |藝術家專訪系列 Artist Interview Series《Michelle Jane Lee and Sung》

韓裔美國藝術家 Michlle Jane Lee ,除了畫家的身份,也在洛杉磯創辦了以母親名字為名的私廚品牌 Sung , 提供精緻獨特的“素食韓式料理”。繪畫與下廚,對他來說都是創作的一種方式,藉此表達自己對於韓國文化的情感,以及身為韓裔美籍人士成長、創作的心路歷程。


Korean American artist Michelle Jane Lee, is a visual artist and a chef. Her Korean home kitchen, Sung, provides traditional Korean flavors inspired dishes, with a vegan twist. “Cooking in the studio" and in kitchen are both artistic expressions for her to show appreciation and love for her heritage, and the struggles of growing up Korean American. Follow us to Michelle's studio and her home kitchen, and enjoy a feast to the eyes and stomach!

★ 受到COVID-19的影響,Sung 暫停提供客人到家中品嚐的私廚服務,但是仍然提供精致韓式素食外帶,有意者請參考以下網址連結:

✜ Due to COVID-19, Sung has temporarily suspended the immersive dinner-in experiences for guests, instead is offering the same delicious vegan Korean menu for takeouts and deliveries! For detailed information, please visit the link below:

Special Thanks to Michelle Jane Lee and Sung.

製作|Joanne Hsieh 採訪|Joanne Hsieh 剪接|Kerry Yang 翻譯|Joanne Hsieh Produced by Joanne Hsieh Hosted by Joanne Hsieh Edited by Kerry Yang Translated by Joanne Hsieh ChiaoxArt All Rights Reserved 2020.
